Future Edition

Illustration detail of an astronaut who just landed on a new planet

I’ve been a big fan of science fiction since I was a kid. Maybe in 100 years, technology will have advanced enough to colonize other planets. Inspired by authors like Bradbury, Huxley or Orwell, I imagine humanity being able to travel light-years away to discover new planets and, who knows, new intelligent life as well. Because, ‘If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space’.

299 international artists, designers and studios were using playing card as a canvas to illustrate their vision of what the world will look like 100 years from now. I’m glad to be part of the 54 artists that form the Playing Arts Future Edition deck.

Illustration of an eight of hearts card showing an astronaut just landed on a new planet with a futuristic city on the horizon
Illustration detail of a cloud dust
Illustration detail of a futuristic city
Illustration detail of an astronaut who just landed on a new planet